Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Focus on Leverage—Hiring Your First Assistant

A good friend recently observed that “the hardest job in the world is being a successful solo agent.” He’s right. When your business kicks into gear and your opportunities to do business with buyers and sellers outstrip your ability to convert and service them, your life will get out of balance. You will feel the burn just as you feel the accomplishment of jumping to a greater level of success. That’s why we say that when you’re doing all you can, get help. And the first help you hire is always on the administrative side—an assistant executive.

The key is to hire talent, such that your executive assistant has the ability and desire to develop into an assistant executive, a larger role in your organization which paves the way for even more growth in your business.

Here’s a video of my coauthor, Jay Papasan, and I discussing the do’s and don’t’s of hiring your first assistant. Let us know what you think!

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