Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Automating Your Updates

Written By Joseph Bridges
Provided By Susan Holt, Old Republic Home Protection

Consistently updating your social networking with interest-piquing posts is a sure-fire way to grow your network with motivated clients who want to do business.

Far too often, as we get busy with daily activities from meeting new customers to putting out fires, it can be a challenge to consistently update your network with valuable information.

Keeping your social network growing and craving information is essential to success. The best way to do this is by automating your updates.

With automation you can stay in the conversation even while you are at an office meeting, broker tour, or at a listing appointment. One of the most powerful tools for automating your status updates is the free tool of FutureTweets (http://www.futuretweets.com/). With this program you can schedule out all of your updates for the month in minutes.

We invite you to consider the following key methods when automating your updates to get the most value from FutureTweets.

Time of Updates - Don't schedule all of your updates to be released at the same time. Put some variety in place by having some be released at 8:32 a.m., 8:15 a.m., etc., as the point is for it to appear that you are doing the updates yourself.

Ask Questions in Your Updates - When you ask questions in your updates your network will feel compelled to respond. Questions will get the most active people in your network to engage in conversation.

Schedule out at least a week - The point of automating your updates is to give you leverage. Scheduling out a minimum of one week at a time will free your time up from daily updates and let you see your network grow.

Automating your network is one of the easiest and most efficient ways to get more from your social networking activities.

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