Monday, July 13, 2009

Make that Call!!

So I got an email from the Texas A&M Real Estate I was reading the newsletter, I noticed an article titled, " ON THE ROAD AGAIN . . . AND AGAIN . . . AND AGAIN." The article stated that, "Drivers in Dallas–Fort Worth–Arlington were stuck in traffic 140.7 million hours in 2007, ranking it fifth in the United States when it comes to time lost because of travel delays." Can you believe that?! 140.7 MILLION HOURS. With so much time spent in gridlock, this is a great time for you to be scrolling through your cell phone & calling past clients. Yup, do your FORD calls & stay in contact with your sphere. This practice is not something that will take up your time...instead, it is a way to make use of the useless time we spend in traffic. So instead of cutting off that car, make that call!

Please visit the link below for the full article.